Beyond Morning Sickness: Some Lesser Known Pregnancy Symptoms

We all probably know that missing your period or feeling more tired than usual can be common signs of pregnancy, but there are other symptoms that we might not think of when we think about pregnancy. Here are a couple of the strangest pregnancy symptoms we don’t often hear about:

Constipation: Your hormones control a lot of bodily functions, including your bowels. Additionally, as your pregnancy progresses and your uterus shifts, so do your intestines, and this can affect how your intestines work. It is completely normal for pregnant women to experience bloating due to gas buildup or constipation. 

Change in tastes: Things can start to taste different when you get pregnant. You may notice a metallic or bitter taste, and some things can lose sweetness. Some women notice their taste coming back after chewing sugarless gum, but whether or not that actually works is up for debate. 

Quicker heart rate: Did you know that your heart beats faster when you’re pregnant? You don’t only have your blood during your pregnancy, but you are also busy creating blood for the fetus.  All of the extra blood needs to be circulated in order to pump oxygen into it, so your heart has to work overtime in order to make sure it happens.

More vivid dreams: Again, your hormones are to blame for this one! The fluctuating hormones cause your brain to process stress and anxiety (and all emotions for that matter) differently than you normally would. And because your dreams are a direct translation of your emotions, you can expect weird dreams during pregnancy. They’ll be more vivid, more frequent, and usually related to motherhood or pregnancy.

Increased amount of drool: This one is a little out of left field, but it is a known fact that pregnant women produce more saliva than nonpregnant women. Of course, hormones play a role, but so do nausea, heartburn, cravings, and environmental irritants. So you can expect some drool to go along with those new dreams. 

Although all of these symptoms are common during pregnancy, still make sure to mention them to your nurse or midwife along with any other symptoms. They may help you with ways to relieve your symptoms and get a fuller picture of your pregnancy. 

If you are experiencing any of these pregnancy symptoms or any other early pregnancy signs, Care Net Milwaukee is here for you. We offer free pregnancy testing appointments that are accurate and reliable to help you confirm your pregnancy. Schedule an appointment today.

Care Net has been serving Milwaukee area women since 1985 and through this blog, we hope to continue sharing with the greater community peace, hope, and information related to pregnancy.