When it comes to conception, there are a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions. We at Carenet Milwaukee believe it is important to learn the facts so that you can understand your own individual fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant when you are ready. Let’s break down some of the key concepts related to conception.
Can You Get Pregnant During Your Period?
It is possible, but not probable. Most women ovulate 14 days before their period begins, so if you have a regular 28-day cycle, then you are most likely safe from conceiving during your period. However, every woman’s body is different and some may ovulate closer to the start of their period than others. If you have an irregular cycle or do not know when your next period will begin, it is important to understand that pregnancy might be possible if you are engaging in intercourse at any point during your cycle.
Does Tracking Your Fertility Cycle Work?
Tracking your menstrual cycle through charts and calendars gives you greater insight into understanding when fertility peaks for optimal pregnancy chances. Notating and tracking information like the length of each cycle and associated symptoms can help you better predict when ovulation occurs which will give you a better chance of conceiving as well as provide additional health benefits for yourself.
How Do Age And Fertility Rates Affect My Chances of Getting Pregnant?
The best time for pregnancy is between the ages of 20 and 35; however, age can still play a significant role in conception even after 35 years old. Women over 35 may take longer to conceive due to lower egg quality or quantity which decreases fertility rates as we age. Additionally, women over 40 may need medical intervention such as IVF in order to conceive successfully due to more advanced age-related issues with fertility.
Is The Morning After Pill (Plan B) Safe?
The morning-after pill can cause side effects such as nausea, headache, breast tenderness, and lower abdominal pain. Plan B used regularly as a contraceptive method does not protect against sexually transmitted infections or HIV/AIDS and it does not prevent future pregnancies either since its effectiveness diminishes with each subsequent use within a short period of time. Plan B does not always prevent fertilization so even if it is taken within a 72-hour period of intercourse, a woman can still get pregnant.
Are Miscarriages Rare?
Miscarriage is a common outcome of pregnancy, with most studies reporting 12% to 15% loss among recognized pregnancies by 20 weeks of gestation. Miscarriage rates by age range vary but are generally higher among older women. Although the cause of most miscarriages is unknown, they presumably result from a complex interplay between parental age, genetic, hormonal, immunological, and environmental factors, but the strongest known risk factor is Maternal age.
Conclusion: As we’ve discussed, there are several factors that influence successful conception including menstrual cycle tracking, maternal age factors, emergency contraception methods such as Plan B pills, and an understanding of the risks of miscarriage and how rates increase with advancing maternal age ranges all play an important role in increasing one’s probability for successful pregnancy outcome when they decide they’re ready for parenthood! With these facts in hand, one can make better-informed choices regarding their reproductive health that will lead them closer to achieving their desired family planning goals! We at Carenet Milwaukee are here to support you in a Caring, Compassionate setting and have a full set of services to help you make an informed decision regarding your pregnancy options. Call us today to schedule a visit. All of our services are at no cost to you.